Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SCENE Magazine can't get enough of CHEKHOV

When a review starts off like this:

When a theater critic encounters unexpected radiance on stage — as in CSU's production of Chekhov in Yalta he has to struggle to prevent himself from becoming a cliché-spouting sycophant.

you know you're in for a good time.

Read the rest of Christie Howey's review of Chekhov in Yalta in Scene Magazine, then come see it for yourself.

Okay, I can't stop myself, here's another quote:

The production itself was like watching alchemy happen. To start at the top, we pay tribute to the director Cathy Hartenstein. Rarely has the magic hand of a skilled director been so evident. She brings effective casting, an understanding of the historical character's nuance, style and period, and created incredible visuals with blocking and pacing.

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